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The Moon has been moving away from Earth for 150million...

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The American space agency 'NASA' installed 'reflective panels' on the moon in the 'Apollo mission' in 1969.

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Through this panel, it is understood that the Moon is moving away from our Earth by 3.8 centimetres (1.5 inches) every year.

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According to scientists, the moon was formed around 450 million years ago. About 150 million years ago, the moon and the earth collided.

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After this impact, the moon is gradually moving away from the earth. Scientists have discovered a place to unlock the moon's ancient secrets.

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This place is not on the moon but on the earth. Scientists are currently trying to understand the moon through ancient rock layers at this site. If you look at it like that, the moon is part of the earth itself.

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The Karijini National Park in Western Australia contains sedimentary rocks dating back to about 250 million years ag

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It contains layers of iron and siliceous minerals, which once existed on the seafloor. This area is now known as the oldest layer of the earth.

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This area is the area of Joffrey Falls. Studying this part made the above conclusion. About 250 million years ago, the moon was at a distance of 60 thousand km from the earth.

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