You Won’t Believe 10 NASA Inventions Are Hiding in Your Home

You Won't Believe 10 NASA Inventions Are Hiding in Your Home

You Won’t Believe 10 NASA Inventions Are Hiding in Your Home

We’re all aware of NASA’s celestial achievements, but you might be startled to learn that some of their technologies could be in your home, or perhaps on you, while you read this. Since its inception in 1958, NASA has developed a wide range of technologies to address the unique challenges of space exploration. Some of these inventions have been licenced to firms for product development. Known as “spinoffs” in NASA jargon, these inventions may now be found almost wherever.

The Vacuum Cleaner
NASA wanted a new drill to scoop up dust from the Moon’s surface in the 1970s. They required a tiny, lightweight design with its own power supply. NASA commissioned Black & Decker to develop the tool, which was a success. The hand-held hoover was developed using the same ideas as the Moon drill.

Food that has been freeze-dried
NASA developed freeze-drying technology to make refreshments more portable during long Apollo missions. Food is prepared, frozen, and slowly heated in a vacuum chamber to remove the ice in this method. It keeps 98% of its nutritious value while retaining only 20% of its original weight.

Goggles and glasses with anti-fog coating
NASA created a fogless coating for glass to prevent its spacecraft windows from fogging up, which was eventually licenced to more than 60 companies. The solution, which is made of liquid detergent, deionized water, and fire-resistant oil, can be found in ski goggles, car windows, and other places.

Thermometers for the ears
These thermometers, which are used by parents of sick newborns and toddlers, employ NASA and Diatek’s infrared anatomy technology.

Phones with cameras
NASA developed a camera tiny enough to fit aboard a spacecraft without losing quality in the 1990s. The technology, known as CMOS image sensors, is now employed in the camera on your phone.

Tyres that can withstand cold temperatures
NASA created a movable workbench on wheels called the Modularized Equipment Transporter (MET) for the Apollo 14 mission in 1971. At -195°F (-126°C), the tyres remained sticky. Manufacturers then began to produce winter tyres for automobiles made of the same thick material.

Lenses that are scratch-resistant
NASA discovered a method for applying a thin plastic covering to spacecraft in the 1970s. They realised it might be utilised to create scratch-resistant coatings for space helmet visors. The concept was quickly transferred to plastic lenses with the help of the sunglasses maker Foster Grant.

Food that has been packed safely
NASA and Pillsbury developed a new comprehensive approach to quality control for prepackaged foods, which was originally meant to ensure the safety of foods for spaceflights. It later become a worldwide industrial standard.

Transparent polycrystalline alumina
Transparent polycrystalline alumina, which material originally created by NASA to track heat-seeking missiles, is used to make invisible braces.


Ice-resistant aircraft
NASA created a thermoelectric deicing technology called Thermawing, which allows us to fly safely in freezing weather.


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