Felicia Wins HOH in Big Brother 25! Will She Be a Game-Changer?

Felicia Wins HOH in Big Brother 25! Will She Be a Game-Changer?

Felicia Wins HOH in Big Brother 25! Will She Be a Game-Changer?

Big Brother 25’s newest show concluded on Thursday night, with Reilly Smedley out the door and a new HOH ready to be crowned. We finally have your spoilers on who won HOH tonight and who will be nominated for eviction next week.

There would be no Scaryverse this time, but the HGs appeared to be participating in a golf-style competition, a strategy we’ve seen many times before. Everyone takes a swing, and the person who comes closest to the goal, has the best score, or has the worst score here, wins. The competition’s name was “Snot A Winner,” so perhaps we’re dealing with the Humiliverse this week?

Felicia Wins HOH in Big Brother 25! Will She Be a Game-Changer?






We’ll have to wait and watch how it plays out on Sunday’s Big Brother show, but we can get an early glimpse at the results due to spoilers from the Live Feeds. The Feeds have returned, and the HGs have revealed who the new HOH is…


Big Brother 25 Week 3 Head of Household Competition – “Snot A Winner”:

What, what, what? Felicia?? Fantastic. She’s going to be entertaining this week. Felicia is a fun Houseguest who will not replicate Hisam’s attitude and behaviour from last week. I’m excited to see what Felicia has in store for us as the new HOH.

I’ll need a moment to gather my thoughts. Felicia is the HOH. Oh, this is going to be so much fun! At the very least, I hope so! Who do you believe the next Head of Household will send to the Block? Let’s see what happens if you share some picks below.


As an added bonus (maybe not so wonderful), Felicia will have to select HGs to be slimed at random times. HGs were already lining up to be chosen by Felicia. I’m sure we’ll hear more about it on the Feeds later.

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