Hunter Biden Found Guilty in Illegal Gun Purchase

Hunter Biden Found Guilty in Illegal Gun Purchase

Hunter Biden Found Guilty in Illegal Gun Purchase

In this season of pre-election campaigning for the 2024 Presidential election, it’s crucial for the public to garner support from their family and team members to create a strong impact. Hunter Biden serves as a prime example of this. He has always been seen standing alongside his father, receiving unwavering and steadfast support. However, recently, he has made headlines for some controversial matters, leaving some people wondering if it might jeopardize Biden’s re-election campaign.

According to CNN’s report, Hunter was recently found guilty in a case related to the illegal purchase of a firearm in 2018 while he was still under the influence. He faced charges of providing false information three times while buying the weapon. Allegedly, the President’s son had lied about his crack cocaine addiction when filling out Form 4473. The accusation states that Hunter provided a written statement on Form 4473 affirming that he was not an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance when, in reality, he knew his statement was false and fictitious.

This marks the first instance in American history where the Department of Justice has filed charges against a sitting President’s child before an election. Initially, the case related to Hunter had been largely dismissed, given that he was working on a prior deal with David Weiss, a special counsel. At that time, the White House believed that any legal drama associated with the President’s son would have been resolved by now. However, it seems that fate had other plans. Reports suggest that another deal fell through, leading Hunter to face an investigation by a federal judge.

In an interview with CNN on Thursday, Hunter’s formidable legal team representative, Abby Lowell, stated that the recent turn of events was primarily due to ‘political pressure’ and nothing more. In a conversation with Erin Burnett, Lowell mentioned that Republican politicians were “putting political pressure on this American lawyer to do something to try and vindicate their political standing. And guess what? They succeeded.”

In conclusion, the lawyer defended his client’s past actions with a stern statement: “Hunter Biden having an unloaded gun in his possession for 11 days was not a public safety risk, but an accuser, armed with all imaginable powers, bending to political pressure, presents a grave threat to our justice system.

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