Most Unique Plants That Look So Weird

Most Unique Plants That Look So Weird

Most Unique Plants That Look So Weird

Brain Cactus : The sight of this plant, which resembles a human brain, is both amusing and strange. This is one cacti you’ll love to have in your collection, for sure!

Most Unique Pants That Look So Weird

Peter Pepper : Also popular as chili willy, but most people love to call it penis pepper and that’s for a reason! The pepper is long and tubular, with a bulbous end.

Most Unique Pants That Look So Weird

Kissing Lips : Also known as the hot lips, the plant’s flowers have petals that look like two lips with a bright shade of red lipstick!

Most Unique Pants That Look So Weird

The Penis Plant : This cactus is called a penis plant because it looks exactly like one! It grows just to about 4-6 inches but it makes a big impact with its shape.Most Unique Pants That Look So Weird

Jackal Food : The plant looks like succulent at the first glance but it is far from it. Its flower look like a vagina and its bright color makes it more interesting!

Most Unique Pants That Look So Weird



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