Norwegian Man Lectures Lynx, Saves Chickens

Norwegian Man Lectures Lynx, Saves Chickens

A video of a man in Norway calmly lecturing a lynx as it tries to steal a chicken has gone viral, gaining over 2 million views in just a few days. The man, named Ole, is seen in the video approaching the lynx as it circles around a chicken coop, trying to find a way in. Instead of shooing the lynx away, Ole decides to teach the animal a lesson.

Norwegian Man Lectures Lynx, Saves Chickens







In the video, Ole speaks to the lynx in a calm and firm tone, telling it that it cannot have the chickens because they belong to him. He explains that the lynx needs to hunt for its food in the wild and cannot rely on stealing from humans.









To the surprise of onlookers, the lynx seems to listen to Ole’s lecture and eventually leaves without harming any of the chickens. Ole’s calm and respectful approach to the wild animal has won him praise online, with many viewers commending him for his compassion and understanding.









While lynx attacks on livestock are not uncommon in Norway, Ole’s approach to the situation has shown that there are non-violent ways to deal with human-wildlife conflicts. The video has sparked a conversation about coexisting with wild animals and treating them with respect and understanding.


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