Several years ago Mars was once inhabited by people?

Several years ago Mars was once inhabited by people?

 Several years ago Mars was once inhabited by people?

 Several years ago Mars was once inhabited by people? :  Our universe is full of countless mysteries. Scientists have succeeded in unravelling some of these mysteries. Scientists have been studying Mars, an important celestial body in our solar system, for the past several years. Does this mean that Mars was once inhabited by people? If they were, how did they live, trying to find answers to these questions.  Life once existed on Mars, as did Earth; But it gradually disappeared. In the previous research done in this regard , Scientists claim it is done. 


 Several years ago Mars was once inhabited by people?



It is because of the aliens that the life on the red planet was destroyed and it is now deserted. According to a report published in ‘Nature Astronomy’, billions of years ago the atmosphere on Mars was similar to that of Earth. However, due to the aliens, the water and air changed there and life ended.

Meanwhile, in a new research, scientists have claimed that the aliens destroyed their own existence by changing the water and air on Mars. The research also pointed out that the composition of gases on both planets as well as their distance from the Sun are responsible for the emergence of life on Earth and the extinction of life on Mars. However, due to the water-gas transition, the temperature on Mars dropped so low that the red planet became desolate.

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