A low-density exoplanet has been discovered …

A low-density exoplanet has been discovered …

A low-density exoplanet has been discovered …

A low-density exoplanet has been discovered … : Scientists are constantly trying to discover the numerous celestial bodies in the universe. Through this effort, he has discovered a new exoplanet. It is remarkable that the density of this celestial body is very low.

Talking about this low-density exoplanet, scientists said that it is a very soft and soft Earth that has been compared to mushroomello. Due to this unique quality, it is considered to be a very important discovery. Scientists have named it ‘TOI-3757b’. It  is a gas giant planet in a galaxy called ‘Oringa’. This galaxy is about 580 light-years away from Earth.


A low-density exoplanet has been discovered …
A low-density exoplanet has been discovered …


This unique and low-density planet ‘TOI-3757’ has been discovered with the help of NASA’s ‘TESS’ space telescope. This space telescope studies regular changes in the light of stars at great distances in space.

TOI-3757 has a mass of 85 times that of Earth. Where the density of Jupiter is 1.33 grams per square centimetre. Whereas the density of TOI-3757 is only 0.27 grams per square cm. That’s it. Scientists believe that the research of this exoplanet can provide information about the formation of other space bodies.


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