Unusual Natural Phenomena Around The World

Unusual Natural Phenomena Around The World

Unusual Natural Phenomena Around The World : 

1. Blood Falls (Antarctica) : As the name suggests, Blood Falls is a waterfall which shoots blood-red water into a river. It was first seen in the year 1911 in Eastern part of Antarctica – in the McMurdo Dry Valley. The sight is a perfect backdrop for a horror film: creepy, mysterious and of course bloody. Previously, it was believed that red algae were causing the water to change its color and turn blood-red. Though this hypothesis was never proved. The mystery of Blood Falls was longstanding and was finally solved in 2017. Thanks to research conducted by the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the true origin of the so-called bloods revealed to be “oxidized iron in brine saltwater,” as reported by Forbes. This is the same procedure which caused iron to turn red due to rusting. 


Unusual Natural Phenomena Around The World






2. Rolling Stones (USA) : Who knew there was another meaning to the world rolling stones, and that too a literal one? Rolling stones or sailing stones or moving stones is a geological phenomenon where rocks move along a smooth valley without any animal or human force. They also leave long trails as they move

How does this happen? The movement of the rocks, as heavy as 300 kg, is a result of large ice sheets breaking in a winter pond due to the heat caused on sunny days. The thin floating ice, otherwise frozen on cold winter nights when melted is driven by the wind at a speed of 5 mph (meter per minute). Resulting in the rocks to move and leave a trail. Rocks with smooth surfaces leave a drifting trail (with turns) while rocks with rough surface leave straight trails.

Unusual Natural Phenomena Around The World





3. Hidden Beach (Mexico) : Would you believe me if I tell you a bomb blast in Mexico resulted in a hidden beach? Located only a few miles off Mexico’s coast, the hidden beach was caused by a blast by the Mexican Government as part of target practice. The beach is now every lover’s dream destination: secluded and offbeat.
To get there, you must ride an hour-long boat. Once you land on the island, you have to swim or paddle through the waters to reach the secluded area. The beach is practically invisible to people.

Unusual Natural Phenomena Around The World






4. Frozen Bubbles (Canada) : Spectacular yet a dangerous sight, frozen bubbles can be seen in winters at Abraham Lake in Alberta, Canada. The phenomenon occurs when methane gas gets trapped underwater, freeze, and form otherworldly visuals. Such a large amount of methane trapped is highly inflammable. So even a lit match nearby can cause a giant explosion. In addition, the large amount of gas signifies how much warmer we are making our planet. The bubbles burst naturally at the onset of spring.

Unusual Natural Phenomena Around The World





5. Turquoise Ice (Russia) : Lake Baikal in Russia is a gem of a lake, quite literally in fact. It’s the oldest, deepest, clearest, and largest freshwater lake in the world. The crystal clear lake water freezes during winters, when temperatures go down well below zero. The resulting ice formations are breathtaking to look at. Turquoise in colour, the gem-like ice shimmers in sunlight – straight out of a fantasy book.

Unusual Natural Phenomena Around The World




9. Cancun Underwater Museum,( Mexico ) : The underwater museum in Cancun, Mexico is a breathtaking and unbelievable sight. The pristine waters of Cancun showcase over 500 statues and sculptures underwater, all life-sized and fixed to the bed of the sea. This unique sight can be witnessed through glass boats, scuba diving, or snorkelling. The museum demonstrates the interaction between environmental science and art and also forms the biggest artificial reef in the world.

Unusual Natural Phenomena Around The World


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