The Face of an ant looks like this ..!

The Face of an ant looks like this ..!

The Face of an ant looks like this ..!

The Face of an ant looks like this ..! : A photo of an ant taken by photographer Eugenius Kavaliauskas is currently going viral on social media. This photo taken using a microscope, seeing the human expression on the face of an ant can give an impossible shock to anyone’s mind. This may be the first photo in the world to show what an ant’s face looks like.Kavaliaskas captured the image on his camera, which is so terrifying that it would fit on a horror movie poster. Eugeniusz Kavaliauskas is a famous wildlife photographer . 


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The Face of an ant looks like this ..!

He presented this microscopic photo of an ant in a photomicrography competition organised by Nikon Company of . We can also guess from the photo that these nuances in the ant’s face are almost impossible for the human eye to see without any equipment. Kavaliauskas told Insider, ‘While finding the ant was not difficult, capturing a still image of the ant while it was constantly running was a huge task.’ Kavaliauskas says that the basic aim of photography should be to innovate, I always pay attention to details. I consider myself lucky that even with the help of technology we belong to nature so beautiful .


The Face of an ant looks like this ..!

We can see the structure closely, nature is not terrible but beautiful.’ Meanwhile, although this photo of the ant has won praise online, the photo taken by Grigory Timin has won the prize in this competition. Timeen captured the hand of a giant day gecko, a species of pali embryo, from Madagascar. The image of the gecko was created by merging hundreds of images together using the image stitching method in this photo.


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