Where is China’s Foreign Minister Qin Gang? Missing for Month

Where is China's Foreign Minister Qin Gang

Where is China’s Foreign Minister Qin Gang? Missing for Month

The Chinese government media announced on Tuesday that Wang Yi has been appointed as China’s new Foreign Minister. The “missing” Foreign Minister Qin Gang has been replaced, and Wang Yi has taken his place.

Where is China's Foreign Minister Qin Gang





According to Chinese media outlet Xinhua, “China’s top legislature voted on Tuesday to appoint Wang Yi as foreign minister in a session.”

Notably, Qin Gang’s whereabouts are still unknown, while Wang Yi has assumed the position of Foreign Minister. His last public engagement was a meeting with Russian, Sri Lankan, and Vietnamese officials on June 25. Since then, he hasn’t been seen publicly.

Where is China's Foreign Minister Qin Gang






His ministry later stated that he was absent from work due to unspecified health reasons. Qin Gang is considered a close aide to Chinese President Xi Jinping. The 57-year-old individual was last absent from public view for only eight days during the Chinese New Year holidays.

Despite nearly a month passing, he remains missing, and China has not addressed the matter. Discussions about his absence were censored on the Chinese social media site Weibo.

According to a report by The Guardian, a search for “Qin Gang’s whereabouts” on the platform yielded a message saying, “No results.”


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